
Portugal/Worldwide +351965751649

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You’re safe with us.

Iboga Root Sanctuary (Ibogaine Treatment UK) is the only addiction and mental health treatment centre of its kind in the world. Though our administrative offices are in the UK, we are based in rural Portugal, where ibogaine is unregulated. We provide ibogaine-assisted therapy in a fully medicalised setting, with an in-house ACLS-certified medical team. We also provide pre- and aftercare, combining the best holistic treatments in a non-judgemental and supportive setting.

Next Steps

The screening and pre-arrival process at Iboga Root Sanctuary is simple. Follow this step-by-step guide and a warm welcome from our team is not far away..

About Us

For those of you wanting to break out of what world-renowned physician Gabor Maté calls “the realm of hungry ghosts,” referring to..


Our Team

Our first priority is safety. Very few ibogaine providers operate in a truly medicalised setting. In contrast, at Iboga Root Sanctuary, we have a fully qualified team.

Your Stay

Set in the rolling hills of the Alentejo region of Portugal,
Iboga Root Sanctuary is the only addiction and psycho-
spiritual treatment centre of its kind in…


There is no typical patient or visitor Iboga Root Sanctuary. No template exists for average rehab patients in Portugal or spirituality seekers on the coast..
