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Benefits Of Ibogaine

The Benefits Of Ibogaine

The benefits of ibogaine in treating addiction are many. As you might have heard, ibogaine resets the brain to the pre-addicted state. Ibogaine causes your withdrawal symptoms to disappear within an hour of taking it if you are addicted to heroin or opiates. After the effects of ibogaine wear off, you may feel tired, but you will be free of withdrawals.


Ibogaine effectively treats addiction to stimulants like cocaine, crack, and crystal meth. This is because ibogaine resets the dopamine reward circuitry depleted by these drugs. No other known substance can do this. Ibogaine also removes all traces of drugs from your body, providing a full body and mind detox.

The Benefits Of Ibogaine In Reshaping Your Life

However, it is important to note that while ibogaine is a unique natural medicine, it is not a magic bullet. It simply gives you a window of three to six months in which to make the necessary changes for your new life. During this time, ibogaine prevents withdrawals and the prolonged depression that often follows them.

At Ibogaine Treatment UK (a subsidiary of Tabula Rasa RetreatTM), we work hard to ensure you prepare for your ibogaine treatment, get the most out of your time with us, and leave with many or all the details of your new life already planned. 
