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Busting The Myth Around Ibogaine Treatment

Unfortunately, there are ibogaine treatment centres around the world that make bold claims about ibogaine’s role in treating drug addiction. Such centres have no doubt played a role in perpetuating ibogaine’s reputation as a con, often using the metaphor that ibogaine is the magic bullet that cures all addiction.
What’s different about us at Iboga Root Sanctuary (Ibogaine Treatment UK) is that we value truth.
To illustrate how dishonest claims around ibogaine can be damaging, consider this example. If we claimed to run a cosmetic surgery clinic that could turn you into a dead ringer for Dua Lipa or David Beckham, no matter your current appearance, that would be a con.
However, that wouldn’t mean that cosmetic surgery itself is a con, or that it doesn’t work. It just means that when dishonest people make false promises about the procedure, then that is the con.

There is no single solution that can immediately and completely eliminate drug addiction. While there is no magic cure-all, ibogaine has been helpful for many individuals struggling with addiction, and also mental health issues

Ibogaine therapy is a form of intervention that targets the chemical changes in the brain caused by drug use. When someone stops using drugs, their brain chemistry is altered, leading to withdrawal symptoms. Ibogaine can interrupt this process and reset the brain to its pre-addiction state, chemically speaking.
It is worth noting that ibogaine does not fix the psychological and behavioural components of addiction. What it does is provide deep insights into the emotional traumas that caused the addiction. Armed with this knowledge, and free of withdrawals and cravings, our clients have the window of opportunity they need to make key changes in life.

How We Are Different From Other Centres

What is special about us is that aside from ibogaine treatment, we offer the unique combination of factors such as clinical safety, different holistic approaches, all-inclusive luxury accommodation and affordability, all of which come together in the rural setting of Iboga Root Sanctuary, (Ibogaine Treatment UK) nestled in the rolling hills of the Alentejo region of Portugal.  

Many of our clients come to us after having tried several traditional rehab methods, or after having relapsed following a period of sobriety.
Traditional rehab – whether 12-step Narcotics Anonymous groups or talk therapy – can indeed work, but is not for everyone. Ibogaine therapy, when done in a holistic context gives you a fighting chance of finally defeating your addiction.
To summarize, ibogaine treatment may not be a universal cure for addiction. However, it can be an effective option for those who are determined to overcome their addiction.
If you want to find out more about how ibogaine treatment can help you, you can speak with us to learn more about the treatment, research, and results. You can also schedule a consultation with us to discuss your specific situation.  

Additionally, please note that we are an all-inclusive, LGBTQ+ friendly retreat centre.

There’s no point trying to avoid the issue: ibogaine is not risk-free medicine. There have been tens of ibogaine-related deaths in the past few decades, with a mortality rate of one death per 427 treatment episodes. Ibogaine is still safer than methadone, which has a 1:364 mortality rate. That said, there’s absolutely no reason for…

As with every major change in our lives, it would be unwise to underplay the powerful roles of mindset, intent and commitment. Even though change is, in fact, one of the only few constants in life, modern life has made us ill-equipped to deal with it; add a substance addiction into the mix, and any upheaval of routine becomes…

You can visit Tabula Rasa in the beautiful rolling hills of the Alentejo, Portugal, for €6,621.60 (including VAT) for single occupancy per week. Although even this may seem expensive and out of financial reach for Ibogaine-assisted therapy, bear in mind two things: How much your habit is costing you at the moment…
