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Programme Success

Ibogaine Success Rates

A discussion around how successful ibogaine is must first define the criteria for success. At Tabula Rasa Retreat, our definition is lifelong freedom from substance abuse. While our unique combination of plant medicine and holistic treatments gives our clients the best possible chance of liberation from their addiction, its ultimately up to those who visitors to heal themselves. To be free from addiction, you have to want it from the bottom of your soul, and be prepared to do the work, before, during and after treatment.

A Brazilian study shows a 61% rate of long-term total abstinence from alcohol, cannabis, cocaine and/or crack in a total of 75 people who completed a combination of ibogaine therapy and psychotherapy. However, Tabula Rasa Retreat’s holistic approach and after-care programme promises a higher success rate. As we collect data on our clients, we will publish the anonymised results on this website. We are also working with external academics and researchers who will validate our data.