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Methamphetamine addiction results in a range of physical and mental effects, including increased heart rate, euphoria, heightened energy levels, talkativeness, irritability, and racing blood pressure.  


To minimize the risk of any negative impact on the heart during ibogaine treatment, we require that all methamphetamine users cease taking the drug at least three days before arrival at Iboga Root Sanctuary (Ibogaine Treatment UK). This also applies to other stimulants such as cocaine, crack, Ritalin, ephedra, Adderall, Vyvanse, and ADHD treatments. 


Methamphetamine abuse can cause a variety of unpleasant side effects, including bowel loosening, nausea, sweating, violence, appetite suppression, increased body temperature, and jaw clenching. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe and intense.  


Methamphetamine alters the function of several neurotransmitters in the brain. Abrupt discontinuation of the substance can result in an array of withdrawal symptoms. Crystal meth withdrawal effects will occur in approximately 87% of long-term users. 


The most reported crystal meth withdrawal signs and symptoms include: 


  • Extreme fatigue and exhaustion. 
  • Energy loss. 
  • Long periods of sleep. 
  • Depression. 
  • Anxiety. 
  • Irritability. 
  • Apathy. 
  • Lack of motivation. 
  • Difficulty concentrating. 
  • Intense drug cravings. 
  • Increased appetite. 
  • Decreased sexual pleasure. 
  • Anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure). 
  • Disorientation. 
  • Psychomotor retardation. 
  • Paranoia. 
  • Vivid, unpleasant dreams. 
  • Psychosis. 

However, ibogaine treatment can help to reduce these symptoms. Ibogaine helps to rebuild the methamphetamine-damaged synapse pathways, leading to a sharp decline in the need to use the drug. This can result in a decrease in cravings for methamphetamine, though it’s important to note that not all users will experience a complete disappearance of their cravings.  


Our holistic aftercare program, facilitated by a dedicated support team, is designed to provide ongoing support and guidance to help clients overcome lingering cravings and move forward in a positive direction. 


Iboga Root Sanctuary (Ibogaine Treatment UK) is the ideal place to begin your journey to sobriety from methamphetamine. Our detox programme offers clarity of thought and the chance for a fresh start. Take the first step towards a brighter future with the support and guidance of our team by your side. 
